Grab our February 2022 Adult box, featuring The Roughest Draft by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka! This box also includes 4 beautiful wrapped gifts that bring this fun and entertaining read to life!
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About the Book
They were co-writing literary darlings until they hit a plot hole that turned their lives upside down.
Three years have marked the calendar since Katrina Freeling and Nathan Van Huysen shone as the literary world's luminaries, their collaborative novels claiming the pinnacle of bestseller charts. Yet, following the apex of their shared success, a rift severed their partnership, the details of which remained tightly sealed from the public eye. Silence has spanned the gulf between them since that fallout, with no intentions of bridging it—except for the looming obligation of their final contracted book.
Now, at pivotal moments in both their personal journeys and career trajectories, circumstances conspire to bring them back together. The prospect they least anticipated becomes their reality: returning to the secluded Floridian enclave that bore witness to their previous collaborative efforts, tasked with the daunting goal of conjuring another hit from the remnants of their fractured bond. Delving into the heart of their mutual disdain over the last three years proves to be a formidable challenge, made no easier by the genre of their new project—a romance novel.
As the sultry Floridian climate envelops them, the intertwined forces of passion and creativity draw Katrina and Nathan inexorably closer. They're poised to discover that, much like the art of writing itself, navigating the complexities of relationships often requires enduring through several imperfect attempts before finding the formula that works.